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Pandora Alarm Studio For Mac


In theory, smart antitheft systems are more than just alarms. They can assist even if the vehicle has already been stolen. For example, they can track it, cut off the engine, and lock the doors before the police arrive. And all this is done through an app in your smartphone. Convenient? You bet! Safe? As manufacturers claim, such systems were designed to enhance car security many times over.

Pandora Alarm Studio For Mac

Having hijacked your account and logged into the app in your name, a cybercriminal gains access to a mass of data and all smart alarm functions. A simple change of password will lock you out of the system. The attacker will then be able to:

Both because of its purpose and size the device uses a stripped-down version of Google's Smart Display platform. Instead of bringing up recommendations for news, music, and YouTube videos for example, swiping from the right instead defaults to active alarms. Swipe again and you'll see Google Calendar events.

With all this in mind, there's a lot to love. The Smart Clock offers the same core voice commands as any Google Assistant speaker, such as streaming Spotify or Pandora, controlling smarthome accessories, and setting alarms and calendar events by voice. It's incredibly convenient to say "wake me up to NPR weekdays at 6 a.m," or "shuffle my Bedtime playlist." No, Apple Music isn't an option yet, but YouTube Music should be free.

The Smart Clock may simultaneously pacify some of the privacy concerns people have about smartspeakers. While you do have to be logged into Google Assistant, there's a physical mic mute switch and no video camera whatsoever. Once you've got alarms set you might never have to let Google listen in.

I've been using an Echo Spot as a bedside alarm clock and I'm very happy with it so far. The dimming is perfect for a darkened space and it is great for setting alarms. The whisper based interactions are perfect for not waking your partner if you wake before the alarm goes off. Sure, the Spot doesn't have a USB charging port, and it costs more, but the thing is so darn cute and takes up so little space.

It supports up to 192kHz, 24-bit audio output that's the same as artist's recording in the studio. It supports the bit perfect audio output via its digital optical or Coax output that offers the highest possible music quality.

TJXE WJLSHJDN (5rTOJN TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1S94.3HEW YORI BAGS THE FIRSTOpening Game For the Temple Cup aDefeat For Baltimore.KUS1B WELL SIGH INVINCIBLE.Giants Batted Espor Just at the Eight Timeanfi Earaoa All Their Runs Orioles Put"Op Strenfr Game, But Bi "Anuo's"Oarvee Proved Tory Deceiving.BxvnaumK, Oet. 4. Tho first game of theTempteoup eerie played hro to-day as agoo ojdtilntfoa of scientific and last hall1 lafttg. Tim New "iorLs won. llusiewas inthe too.. 11a had terrific speed and thoroughcontrol of ttoe ImU, sad tho man baek of himKept their end Esper, for the Orioles,pitefcea xrtnulnc ball, and was well supported.The tantwlity to htt Rune was the cause of thoresak.There were several features of the gamettiatcouM have heea eliminated to the creditof botfc teams. MeGraw whs tho principaloffender. Owing to the stormy s eatber. anda doobt eCttbe aerie being played, only about,00 of the expected crowd entered thegroead.XILX. TUl THE SERIES.The Beat agreement to play the series ofgames was made only a few minutes beforethe game was closed. McGraw was the onlyinettrat held oot, and his tamper throughout the satne was not of the beet. Both teamsshowed intense eeliugA etoee deefaiou in the math inning byEmeUe. which eat off Baltimore's hope ofy ailing victory oat of the fire, caused a crowdto et after EmtJie as soon as the game wasever The polie, however, quickly dispersedthe crowd.The features of the game was the doublej laj ity McGsaw, Reite. and Brouthors m thelirst Inning, and a great catch by Van Haitrea lu the rourth inning. Captains Wardud Uobmsott distinguished theuieehes iniieidiag.A. Wg delegation of rooters from New lorkvritased.Cbe game and made merry withtin honu.MOW THE TO6 WXKE 34AIL.New York seated the first run of the gamein the fifth ianing when Van Ilaltreu led offwith a ihree-bagger to right and scored onTuller' fly to Kelley. In the sixth Banstripled to loft aad scored on Boyle's out.ltuoe made the third, tally in the seventh on adouble to center and Burke's single, whichKelley let go through him. Boy le earned thefourth and last run in the eighth on a tripleand Ward 6 out.Baltimore's solitary tally came in the ninthinning when MoGraw got around on a single,Brodie's out, a clean steal of third, and Reitz'ssingle. The scorer.ALTmOKF K IB TO A K NSW YORK. K IB TO A rKelley, If 0 101 Burke. It 04000Heeler, rf 0 110 Oliernan rt 0 0 1 0 0Broatre, ItiODtl 1 l) Davie, to . 1 1 0 5 0MoGraw, 8b 12 14 0 Doyle, lb . 1 211 8 0li -oil. cf 0 0 10 0 Ward, Sto 0 1 4 2 1Hete,3t 0 1 4 1 0 n M'ltfn cf 1 1 2 0 0.lenuiugs, as 0 10 8 0 Falter.! ... 0 0 3 x 1Robinson, c 0 1 7 1 0 FarreU, c, . 0510Espec, p... 8 1 S 0 Haste, 1 12 14 0Total .. 1 T2718 lj Total 41S2T16 2Baltimore. 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 11New lock 00001111 01Earned rune Baltimore, 3,New"iork, 4 TwobM Mi ttnwie. Three-base hits Davis, Doyle,and as Haltreil. stolen foaee jtrw. Kelt.Davia, Doyle, and an Haltren. D9wWe playMdtamw, Keitx, and Bronttters, Fuller, Ward,aud FarreU. First hase on balk Baltimore, 2,ew ork, 1 fetruck out By heper, 8, toy Rusie,2 feacrMre hite Brouthet Heeler, Brodie,.1 enniitf s. and M ard. Left on bates Baltimore,7 ework,7 Fitet ba6 on ecrorb Baltimore,1 Time 1 hour and 55 minute. LmpireeHeaar. AmsMe and HurstTHRLL NLAA RFCORDS.rijHJJbraccd n 3HIe nt Chillicothe,Ohio, in 1.58 1-4Chtcuootkf, Ohio, Oet 4. The groundsto-daj were filled to overflowing with 10,000jieople. Hying Jib went against the world'spacing record, of 2-014. made by Westmontwith tunning mate at Chi ago ten y ears ago.Tne pacer went at a terrific clip, leading therunner to the half, made in fifty-nine fiat, andshot under the wire amid tiie hushed silenceof the people who eagerly strained forwardawaiting btarter Loper's announcement ofthe time, borne who had caught the pacerlegaa cheering, knowing that he had beatenthe world s record. Loper said"lou have witnessed something which noaudience in the world has ever seou beforelou have seen the fastest mile that was everaced. riviug Jib has beaten " ostmont andmade the mile in 1 &)Ji."Tne audience broke out into cheers and applauded the pacer as Andy McDowell broughtJum upm front of the stand. The first halfdi the heat wa made in 59 seconds and thelast half in 89 .Oaoaua lowered the world's three-y oar-oldtrotting mark to 2 lls. while bidmont madea new world s record of 2 I0l4 ior the threey car-old stallion paee. Directly failed to beaths record, doing the mile in 09.Results on the Running Turf.At Jerome Park: Halton, Doe oolt, Jtanquet,Benefactor, BaUou IatUe Mat, and Utioa: lodara entneb at Morn. Park:Plrst race hix furlongK Tuscan, Laagdon,aud Afiril Jool, ns each. Branibaletta filiy and1 uaanla. 115 each, 1 rue Penny, t hlcot, and Theh wain. Ua each, and Pandora gelding and Janethlly, 116 each.-eooad race One mile. Sim Bryant, 122,1 eetramt, inLAgHator 1 W, arlike . Iteaub, 122, Gov Filer, lis and Baroness, 110.lnird race Albany stakes, ix furlongs,l-UMdan IttoetNMi, and Halms US each "Moootony, 110 Shadow Dance colt, Br.ght Phaibusand Monaco, 113 each.Fourth race Jereniejuandicap O ne and onequarter mites. Kubteon, 1 , senator Grady, 112,liorntiM, 1U9. Prig and La Joy a, 102 each, Oudww, aj Mint Itao colt aud Dwight WSejuh;OaUlee. 115, Harriiigion. IK), Live Oak, 107. jieclare, 10-. torelian, 4, FoxeUa audlolueu.Kteach, and llama 90Fifth race First serial handicap Five furlongs, fttonenell J28, Glenmoyue, 116. Patrician,110, Maid Marian, 100, 1 ady Molet, 1J0, Heleniiols 115, Jack, of Spades, 10s, and StoneIieUk,7 Shcth race Selling. Six furkmgs.TAssigneeand Irfnce t.eorpe, 107 ewli. Little Billy audGoM Dollar, 104 each. Old Dominion, 10U, Rosali and W ill EUiott, 101 each, and Trerolm 102.At liatottia badie llord, Salvation, Burkwa,liey del Caedeb, Klauo, and Sn iftly., Knuies forto-dayFirst race Seven furlongs. "Mary B , Banka'sDaughter, Bob eekv, Amanda 1' and Tippecawie. 10b eai. Kltzaiieth "i. and Jim Magulrc,lift. each. Drum Major nad Mis 1 erkius, 133 each,aud Ofdrius and Contest, 10b each.beeond raceOne niile. Uarry Meldon andtihawnoe 7 eadi, Michael, 100, Warplot, 104,aud Whitney 107TUrtf race live furlongB I oaflet, Lily of theAN et, Victorious, Elite, ummerCoon, Iyrtle II,Ellswortli. and Katie G , 102 each, Jacob Litt,nnan. latin, aud . unburst, 105 each, and I.adyDmmotid, John Keller and Occula, 1U7 each.Fourth race One wile and a furlong 'lornT lmore, a5 Sister Anita, 97, Equator, CW, KingCharle) and Henry Jenkins, 101 tach, PatWoodi ok aul Emma Mac, 106 each, Grerinrch, 110,aud Semper Lex, 118.Fifth race Ni!;e-bKtoeiit!isof a mile Ida IL,Cna MisH Florist Doorga, La8 o' Ix)wrie, Ourlanuie. I are Delight, Hands Off, A oltadonna,Black hatin, and Llsket, 105 each, and AiincoGoodwin and S villa, 110 each.sixth race een furlongs Fllen Douglass,"VS infleld Emprexs of Norfolk, Oh o. LorenaMac aud Dr Park. 8S each; Parassang, 9 Hoy t,101, Cornelia 102 I no, 307, i ellon Hose, 103, andDiamond Dick, 110Al Hawthorne Gus Strauss, Little Cripple,Amelia Hay, Hawthorne, Tim Murphy, andSligo Entries for to-day .Vttet wee fte furrongb. Buck Knight, Coria,GeMuette fdwattlH. and Sun Down, 301 each;1 elite Osborne, A alter O , May Rose, Jovial,May, Halkntor, Leona's Last, Mourns andiua McNairy 07 oach, M on ire Lou Prewitt,Moaeneuao W ells tolreot, and Oakley, 303 each.34 ida aad Neutral, 107 each, and Itoma andigor, 10 ea.iLynd ra-Seven furlouga lemon, 106,Ma ! hmiMtu, 104. DeBracoyand AmeMaMay,114 1 us 100 and feeuator Irby, 1091 1 r r One and one-eighth miles. Knthi v "- i v u ndarland, 1 he Ironmaster, andMj . 1 rail Nephew, 300,.and Calhoun,Di 5" t llakir 100 each.Icrth TUie Red Glen, Artie Frn,DaT7WKKansas Girl, anil Fiction, OS ouch, Installntor,75, "1 oung Ariou, fat. Brandon. Silverado, Radiator, Slrarock, and Blmby, 110 uacli; Hotoltor,Adtfm Johnson, No Romurks Y emeu, ind Golcla,107 each and Mulberry, I reddio J- T, andHymn, 101 eaeleFifth race Six furlongs. Fauntleroy Morse,Propriety, Belle ltingor, LvudcUurst, Dixie ,Tim T, Lottie, and qko Hardy, 1W each, GoldBug, Sir Bichard, nnnge,nnd ban Gabiiel, 1each, liitlo ton and Aliuulo Mnckln, U4 cath,and Bajal Princo, rhejaurgton, and Lepanto, Jr.,187 each.Mstli race One and om-elKUtU miles. MillMuuson, llio Distiller, hirk.Oor, and I nt-loJlin, 101 each Bobolink, King Dori, and Niowliall.100 wch. Jennie W.Tatteraall Tip, MaryLynn, 1'aulus, 7ouIika, and Kaola 7 .il1i, andToutonlc, ulture, and an Zindt, 100 each.I AVOUITrS I'All I D TO C0KCAlexander Island T.ilcnt Had Poor Successin Picking A iunuig Hors.csIt was tough line& yesterday on thetnlentat Alei indtr Island, not a pronounced fn orite winning, although two of tho successfulhorses wore about equal choices with othersThe attendance was fair and tho betting goodwith tho books a good wiunor on tho day.In the fourth rnco Benjamin, Pilgrim, andMeadows were head uud head at tho finish,they bolng officially plated ns namedbtarter Cassidy, who has bton doing excellent work of late, was off yesterday in thosecond and third races, the e"tart gion Tiogavirtually settling the result. SummariesHow the Horses Kan.Track fair.(i(lC r,rst race Fle furlongs. Selling.JJfJ Burse.IOO Tlmo, Hna. llormt ana wL .St 1 V J-'in. JockeyM0) I it Charlie. 115 1 1.1-' IS Murjdiy1 1 he Foji, 108JY . a 4 4 Jn Bender(5J5) Phil Daly,S5 "..1 2J6 15 8h Nenrj416 milj Y ,100 8 yiy.l Johnson.dood t.inrt on oflsllvScratched Pickaway, 95 ,Bolting I ittle Charlie, The Fop, 4 to 5,Phil Dalv, 6. and Emily , 5Grv Second race ?Is furlongs, boiling Turse(UsiaO 'lime, 117.hid. Hart ana wLiMj,) Tioga, ....St. J4 it Fni. .ToelejiltiiliyillOlK TohiibOiLJ Jh W i Cindoiu- t isrophj.w(5.5 1'ottouatloe, 875j5 Traitor, 9.(KiO) ueeli d Or, W3 5U. 1 3U. Mniphj.h 4 G 4h Brown4 0 5 b JCobnibon.KW liemot, 7Poor start. VI n drirnii:Bltlug floga J, Twiiiii Broplij,4, Pottnwauomie, 8, 1raito-,2, (nun l Or, 1 nomiit,J0671 Third ra e. Four furloiiRi Two-year-IXolds. Puro, i;120 'limo, UJilim? Hon an4 irt ."t lA SI Fin Jocltv(rK) liunwntT. 107 5 Jm 2 13 Parson(5i) .1 Jamcb, 103 1 14. y 2a Johnson.4ftl Mudgalu, S 4 2? 8P oary420 .Mist Castles, 100 2 5 " 4 ISO Blown556 Kitty Clark c,Si 3 4 5 5 Boblusou.Poor htart. on clevorlj-ratchei SjMtuiard, 107Betting Flnnvtator, ( hil Jimmlo James,em W lndsale,6, Miss Castles, fa, and KlttvClark colt, 40fTO Fourth raca Five furlongs. Selling.O J. Puro, $120 Time. l-OSJiJtul llortfandwt. St J il Pm. Jockey( 1; lteujamin 100 .. 8 4 4 Hi Condon55S Pilgrim, 105. s 1." 2h Johnson.5fi6 yjeadows, 300 1 IS Ih 85 Murphy.51 Criterion, SO 4 Vy 8 4 eary1 air start. on drh IngVratchwl 'allt.bury. SBBetting Benjamin, 6, Pilgrim, 2, Meadows, 4to 5, and Criterion, 4.6 "TO Fifth race six and one-half furlongs.1 O filing Purs. 120 1 imo liMWInd. Jlortre mt it V4 .st Fin. Joel&iaw .Annorenu, sn .. 8546 Ucheever, 9B 45tH Clara Bell. 102U 5557 Chiof Justlto, IK -466 SkmeMore 09 135 In In IN oar j24 i 25 John-H)n.4 n 3' , Parson5 5- 4 Brown.1 1 5 Murphy.Good start. A on cleverly.Betting Annoreau, i M. Keevor, S to 5, ClaraBell, 15, Chief Justice, 8 to 5 and borne More, 5.- . -Card for To day.First race Fit e furlongsIndex Hart Ht 1 Index. Horse.66 Black Child. 105 j 55s Koy A est.m1051055 (Jold Who .. 105 492 Judge Bos:'ost560 A Maeoner 105 ' 479 Banjo 106542 Aunt Jane 105Second rate Four furlongs.tutor Harm H I Index. Hm-ft5M oxation AUfU 05 1 34s Graceful559 DofGtanoierw4-S Orange....52 Soprano. .. 95Third race Four furlongs.Judex Hon. Ht Vndr Ilorte.585 Helen H 1U5 , 541 uhlan . .569 Kmily" .... 105 1 44 Craftsman.543 Senator . 105 j 5h9 Phil Daly...Fourth race Six furlongs.Index Mors. Vt I Jndex Hone.SM Benvolkt ... 100 57? McKeever .559 Markstoue . 100 (551) May Bird670 Hemot . 300 j 557 Mayor B .Fiffh race Four and one-half furlongs.Jndex JIctm Mr I Index Horn547 Mattie Cliun . H. 1 Columbus51 Free Press 5 5tl Fuuico .. .46S Beau Bells 98. 95. 93lit... IOTi.. 305... 105Wt100310100in107. 9jSelectionsFirst race Key V est. Black Childi-econd race Dukt of Gloucester, SoprinaThird race Helen H hmiltFourth ra,e Benroh" MikemorFifth race Beautiful Bills Mattie Chun.Pointers from the PaddockTioga beat the flag a length and a hnlf.It looked from the stand as if Pilgrim hadwon.Some More slopped as if short of work.Traitor's chances of winning were spoiledby the Bturt.Finnwator was last away but easily disposedof her fluid.Chief Justice burned up more good monoy ,as he sulkod and wouldu t try.Commencing October 15, tho associitionwill gi e daily cl.OOO in Durses.Fresiding Judge Ovster compelled Tho Topto las saddled in the paddock becauso ofrumors of tho ''dope "Billy Becket didn't think Benjamin wouldrun kindly out of the chuto and as a result Gto 1 was on tap.Attorney Johnson has soured on his horsoChier Justice and contented himself with aa place bet on ZtlcKeevtr. lie cashed.Johnson, on Pilgrim, crowded 3Iurphy, onMeadows, in tho stretch or tho latter wouldlikely hao won.oBOLA "trRsjLS-nYRNXTT.Eureka Athletic Club VI ill Present a GoodProgramme October 11.The Eureka Athletic Club his arranged anexcellent card for Ihursday night, October11. The stir bout will between Jack Bol in,12C-pound champion of America, and ChirloyBarnett, 130-pound champion of AmericaThe men wU weigh in at 128 pounds at thoringsideTheBolan people woro apprised of Abbott's In ibihty to get down to weight (120pounds 1 by October 10, the date set for theirgo Bolan has trained nard, and being anxious to dioY the sjKirtmg public whnt ho cando, a match was arranged with BarnettTwo prelimm incs, one of ten rounds andone of fifteen ronnds, will be given Thecontestants intho former aro Howard Wilson,of nhington, and Robert Vi ood, of Philadelphia. Iho fifteen round go will prove exciting, asthe oppouonts are employed by rival bnMmsshouses of Washington, and tneir respectiveemployers will back their man.Off on Their I ong Trip.' Boston, Oct. 4. 31 r. and "sirs. George F.Harriott started to-day on their transcontinental bicycling tour. It is tho intention oftho riders to make a now record from Bostonto SanFrancisco They nroposo to rido on anaverage 125 miles a day. aud hope to reachtheir destination in twenty -six days.Miscellaneous porting otes.Orioles and Giants will meet again to-dayat Baltimore.Halton won tho first and fifth races y esterday at Jeromo park."VMnners at Narragansctt Tark Terrier,Hibernia Queen, Illume, llosedale, andSoundmore.Bain caused a postponement of tho trottingraces at Rigby, ilo . and hicyclo raco at Waltham, 3Iass.Jimmy Dime, tho Youngstown, Ohio, lightweight, has been matched to meet youugGrlffo in a limited roand match f or clOOO aside.J. J. SrcCloskey has been signed to managothe Louisville Baseball Club. He succeedsWilliam B lrnioloronto scored 55 runs in their first inningsin tho match with Lord Hawko's Englishcricketers and 111 lor four wickets in tho sec-&-"QI g 3fi-iJS rf0JDRINK IBlatz'sENER",And Feel Good! 0I Mail or bring your orders vto us or telephone 541rr- ON SALL OVJ-R ENLrtY BAR.99 F. H. F1NLEY &. SDKS, vVSoie Selling Agents.1206 D Street Northwest.S-00 3G" -330OG--0-BUSINESS CHANCESFOR SUF, CIirVP-ONE OF THE BrSrciish grocery stores In Eolith Washington inclmllug horho and wagon. Inquire P MiITIAN.J14Estsw oc4-7t(5()A MIIL BUY SIOUIv OF GROCFRIIi?r&JLtjyj imkI fixtuns im lading leo bov, awning, largo cofTto mill, show cases, ote , otc , ati or 10th and tr sis. h , owner has otliur Ijiifciiu s&.Call at KMIMd ae no ocl-3t77 OR SAI FJr Mock of gtoceiles with fixtures, ownorwishing fo retireocl-7t Apply Jo cor 4th and K sts. nw"PARTXIR ATH) 1 HOri.L AM) RES1 taurant; old cstahlibhcd house, small ciiital required, (ixiolliiit chain o for a husinessman UUrtbS at ouco, HO 1 1 L, thi-i ollleeond innings, when tho stumps woro drawnand tho mutch declared a drawGeorgetown's schedule of football gamesfollows Saturday. October's?, Swarthmoto,Siturday, November J, University of rthCarolina, bnturday, Noe"mbtr 10, Uumrsityof Virgin! i, 'lhursd ly . oe'mbcr lr), ChicagoAthletic Club, Snturd ty, November 17, Lafayette, Saturday, No ember 24, University ofVirginia, and Uiursdny, Jvo ember 29, Columbia Athletic ClubCORBLrT I I1 AKNS HIS bTA.D" orld's Champion Sick of Pugilism, butWill Heme HonorablyHrtfoud, Conn., Oct. 4 James J. Corbott talked with a reporter to-day in relationto tho recent discussion oer the ritzsimmonschallenge."I am sick oJ tho pugilistic business, andwant to get out of it, but I intend to retirehonorably. I only want to train ouco more,and I will bo perfectly fit that time, so I feelthat I can safely offr to meet with all thomen who coer my monoy ""Why aro you now willing to fight 1'itzsimmons when you once said ho must firstdefeat Steve O'DonnelP"''Well, it was this way. I meant what Isaid, but Brady went to New York and metTitz Ho sawthnt l'ltzstrnmons had estimated nis chances of being defeated byO'Donnoli as being somewhat near what theywould be in cose of a light with me, and ofcourse ho would not makeo much capital,so ho had determined to hold out for mo andespecially as the Oly mpic Club was backing'him up "by a declaration that they wouldaward him the ch impionship if I did not respond." "I could not afford to bo put in a falselight before the public, so I decided to meetFitzsimmons in tho wav that I bao committed mvsolf to as one of a number in tho weekHas it occurred to vou how unfair it is to mothat the Olympic Club should take sides withFitzsimmons. and how it makes mo feel aboutfighting in the futuro uuder tho auspices ofthat organiz ition."BOYS IN BLUE EXCHANGING.Transfer of United states Troops fromnnd to 1 ort .My cr.Two troops of caalry, II of tho Eighth andK of tho Mnth, United btntes regiments tholatter a colored organization, loft on the I3altlmoro and Ohio Railroad yesterda morningfor di-tant posts the former going to Tortilende, tho latter to Tort Robinson.The first was in command of Cnpt. Fountain, the latter of Capt. Hughes Lieuts.Steele, Benton, nnd Terry w ero also or thooflleial party, and tho oomnanles comprisedflftv-eight and sixty one-men, respectively.TJio troops hnu been for nearly three yearsstationed at Fort My er, near this cm.butunder tho pnnisious of tho late order oftransfer were assigned to other duties, andwill bo succeeded by troops brought herounder tho same order from the West.Two troop3 of the Sixth Cavalry, with aregiment il baud, Imo alrecady arrived andare quartered at Fort My er.The new troops .ire A and H, who wero onduty at Chicago during tho strike 'Iroop IIis in commnud of Col. D S. Gordon, TirstLieut. E r. Vvilcox, and Surg B Munday,while Q roop A is in charge of Capt. H M.Kend ill, and Lieuts A P. Blockson and A.Gray, tho latter acting qu irtermnster.Fort Myer is to be constituted a regimentalheadquarters, and will bo occupied by thoSixth Cavalry, the remainder of the regimentto be brought hero as soon as the presentquarters aro rendered aai!ablo by tho transfer of tho other companies of tho old force.Scidl and His Orchestra.Famous among tho musical attractions ofthe present season in Washington w ill be theconcerts of the Soldi Orchestra of Now YorkIn the number of great orchestral leaders ofwhom tho musical public of the United Stateshas becomo acquainted during tho past decade, Anton Seidl occupies a prominent plaeeHe has done much to mnko the public familiar with tho great compositions of tho pastns well as of tho present Ho is an ardentdisciple of V aguer, and Wagnerian compositions, therefore, receive a considerable shareof attention in his programmes, not, howoier,to tho exclusion of the works of other masters. Seidl and his orchestra will be heard in aseries of concerts 111 Wahmgton this autumn,an announcement which will no doubt gio agreat de u of pie lsure to the Capital City'smusic-loving public. Among the composorswhoso works M. Seidl will interpret aroViagnor. Dorak, Berlioz, Tchaikowsky,Liszt, Greig, Beethoven, Raff. Baeh, andCh.idw itk, tho latter an American Tho soloists for the seaon will include Mad mieEmma.Tuch, Miss Lillian Bhurvelt, Miss Juli 1 P.Wy man, Miss Lotta Mills, pi mist, a youngashnigtoninu, who is s dd to hao a promising futuro, Sig Campani, Herr Emil Fisher,Ysiye, tho great Belgian pianist, and BenDavis, tho celebrated English tenor.Iho first concert of tho series will ho givenon luesday evening, October 23, at Metzerotth ill, and tho alo of tickets will begin onjjonday, October 15. A superb programmeMas been arranged.-aHis Moncv Had Disappeared.Timothy McHenry lives nt No. 511 E streetnortheast, and is employed as driverof a beer wagon. Some day 3 agoMcHenry engaged John T. Janey, acolored furniture moter, to take hishousehold effects from Fifth street to thopresent residence, and Janey hired anothercolored man, Robert Tolsou, to assist him Inthoremowil. During tho transportation oftho goods a trunk, containingjglO 0 tho complainant's money, was bursted open andthe lucre disappeared in some unexplained manner. Policeman Bushall, of theNinth precinct, set to work on tho caso, andnotified Policem in Duall to arrest Janey,which was done yesterday afternoon Tolsouwas also arrosted, but released Janey isnow confined at tho Ninth precinct stationhouse pending further investigationToronto Aldermen in DisgraceTokomo, Oct. 4 Six of Toronto's aldermen aro alleged to be implicated in an attempt to extort money from the TorontoElectric Light Company, which put in a tender for the street lighting contract. It is saidthey demanded S 12 000 for their -votes. A,thorough investigation will bo made.Val."WIt9 I99FOR BENT ROOMS1 930 r,T" &T :mv l UNI UR. ROOMS J. ORJLZrJV rent to a smaUfamiIy; owner willHtand tho cost of halt tho light and fuel aud takohoard In excliniigo for rent Ca)l after 0 o'clockp ill OcosltITAOR RLIvT THREE ROOMS, FIRST FI OOR;X1 watoi and closut couuuet with kltchou, woodslied and store room ovor shed, uieo yard, $') permonth to neat parties 70 ) Kith st 11 o oc3-.itITiOH RhM A IUfRE OPFOItTUMTi THE: finest and host in o cry respect, J rooms andhath, olhor looms adjoining, if desirod, shades,screens, matting and other furniture for Halo ifapplied for at oneo at this extraordinary cheapJlit Room '), Jd lloor, 'llll. HUtltJSON,'third nnd G stioots northwest oc5-3tFOR Ur i 1 WO LAROfi WPLL-1' URNISIILDJd lloor rooms, north and south exposure,vvithl all bedroom, both gas and heat, singly oren suito, at low llguios Cull at -b I street nvroct-.ltOAfTESr NW-IHItKE UMUR AND O.N EJivO fur rooms to rent, convenient to Pen,Pat , Gov t. PrintingJBllcos and' both pass, depots, gas and ho it ocl-)tCOIUMBIV HOUSEriensant fur looms for ront, porniauentand transient1 uuth and Ebts. uwITiOR RhNT A FRONT PARLOR ON FIRSTlloor and nico plonsaut room upstairs, haywindows In both luOO Flftconth st , cornor Q stnw oc3-.ltFOR RENT.Handsome office rooms in The TimesBuilding, moderate lent. Apply in Counting room. sel 1-tfFOR RENT HOUSESFOR HrT 5-R00M I RAMI- HOLSE, -IJOWashington st nw , also 4 unfur loomsluquho 71 J K st. nw ,"lOCNG A, CO , Paint btore.FOR REM', NFR 'lllh CAPIIOL TWObrick housos, 7 and 1) rooms, Isoa. iOJand2001 l6t sL no; modem impiovumouts, convenient to ears. Apply JNO WAUMtR .V bO.,ISO!) II bL.noji ocWt1 ?0 It RITv T $03 PER 'MOM II FIRS l-CLASSJL 15-room house, ui-Bt loiatlon In city forhoarders, carpels aud some f tu uituro for bale ifdesired. Address NOVRKS.IDEM', this officeoo2-0t-J7 OR RFNT 0-ROOM BRICK HOI SF ill l1 st nw , $.'0 50, aIo 2 I room alloy hohbes,409 and 411 Hoilidge court, bet lth and 5th Onnd P nw , 610 por month. 1URFYSPALLDING, 001 M st nw se-5-lmV0R RENT SUBURBAN.HOISI-S 0R REM, CHOICE HOLSLs ANDlots forsnlo on easy towns, at Hrookland, DC GRCEM I ROMANse-!3-7t 100 Corcoran BuildingFOR SALE SUBURBAN PROPERTY.- -Investigate this:LOTS ONEASTWASHINGTONHEIGHTS,(Tho Archibald M. Bliss Subdivision)For sale Lon Easy TermsApply on Grounds to Office In SONIRLOOKIAN SsSSSXkSPECIAL NOTICEHAML1NE CHORAL UNION PROF ROsEwill organize a class 111 singing at Hamline church. Muth aud P streets northwest,FRIDV iAENING, October 5, at 7.30 o clock.Ml invited. vPERaONAL.TTiOR RFNT SQUABiJ PINO, LATELYJ tuned, Stolnway works, jirice, Si&O permouth, as owner may lea's o city. Address,this office v oc0-3tVAN- W ILL BE T THE APPOINTED PLACEto-night at b SO, do not fail."PHOsrm-UTA coir."Vi holesalo, Tschiilolly's 477 Pie ave. This newtonic rapidly cured me of dvspepsia and nervousprostration It Is wonderful. L DEPOILIA,Ostrich b eathcr Depot, 013 IMi st oc3-eod,tfQOME OFOlR FRIENDS M WVNTUFFO insurance, lcao or send their names andwe'll p ly ou $1 to $10 each if they insure, nowork, w u do tho talking H Ohio Bank Building,9 to 10 30 4 to5 oc4-3tTT'HA'IS THE USE OF SPFNDING "ALL"T you mako on clothes, when hyjcomlng tous 'vou can get a first-class suit or oven oatslightly worn, for one-half you would pay forthorn now ILbTIl S OLD STVND, Gl'J D st nwG E TI EMENVs MNE CI OTHING MADE TOT order on liberal tornis of credit, ofllco hours,Sa.m to 5 JO p mse30-7t 1C03 T st nw , rooms 5 and 6MME BROOKF TELLS ALL HIE E"VMSOFlife All business (OUfldentlaL Ladies andgentlomen, DOc. oaete Hour, 3 a. in. to 9 p in.LOj N Y nve nw , near Gth st se.29-.2wDR. LEON,4C7 C Street NorthwestOFriCE HOURS, 10TO1, CT0 8.MME iRANCIS HAS Rl TURNED ANDwould be i,Iad to seo her friends at 40GE.Cap st Sittings dally from 9 to 9 Cards -15c.;sittings Me. oc3-StWHAT MORE DO YOU AANT IN THISworld than full a aluo for your monoy? A ooffer you moio than that on an elegant suitoroorcoat slightly worn at JLSIII'S OLD ST ND,619 Pat nw selO-tfTHE GREATEST OPPORTUNITYOP YOUR LIFE IS NOW TO KNOWWHAT THE FUTURE HS INSTOKE FOR YOU.Dr Jnnoll Irving, tho Great est Second sightSeer and Forecaster of coming events, HAS I HKFON1-R Ob TWO MI-DIUMS YOU J- HioiET DR. 1RMNG tells your comiilote past,your present lift, your cntlro future. hat youshould do to avoid trouble or dlsappointmontfhow to recover lost or stolon property fche predicts important events long before they happen.No hidden mysteries so deep she cannot fathomComo,yo who suffor, and ho healed Corre yospeculators, nnd he ndiiscd Come, yo lovers,and win your idols Come, all who are in trouble, and lerrn to bless this wondoiful modium,the gronttat prophetess in AmericaSatisfaction by mall, bend stamp for circularOfllco aud rosldence,Gib FIITO STREET NW ,M asbington, D CThis lady Is indorsed by tho press, clorgy.tnndtho public IngeneiaL sel'J-tfBPS1 OILS, Rr LIABLE PAIN IS, "VAPORlluiil, stains ?lpcr,nllon, white and colon (1 load at lowest enih market valuo atOl NG &, CO 'S, 714 Iv st nw soll-lmoPRflP fll AV GIITED CLAIROYAXTI nUh ULHI) BUSINESS MEDILM,Tolls past, present, and futuro, ndvicoonlovoaffnrs,, losses, or speculations tellshow to overcome your enemies, causes speedymarriages brings separated together, tellsevery thing, settles lovors' quarrels, tolls whatbusiness best suited for speed riches Don'tbuy, sell or go a journey until you consult ProfCLA , oldest established ad t rtisinc clnirv oynntm this 1 ity Sittings, 50 cents. Hours, 9 a. mto 9 p m; open Sunday a 4o9 II street, botweonlonr-and-a-half and Sivth sts. s.w au5-lmCiABINET, APOR, PLAIN, AND MI DICVTEDsea salt and sulphur baths, electric nndmagnetic treatment alcohol lubbings DrSMtAlI WAYCOTT, 72 13thst. nw Open Sundays sel4-lmoCATITAL STEAM LAUNDRY M A r FI!,proprietor, 512 Eighth stnw lolephono 1(513Laundry work in all its branches neatly executed at reasonable tates.iriGlI-MC HEALTH! VuTUF HARDEST THE BESTM DE 01 PURE SPRING AS'ATER.Tolei)houo 14 Oltlco 14il Est v wMRS CAR1 , lb02 71 II ST N W I GU-Ml NTEEto con-v Inco the most skeptical on past, present, and future life, law suits divorces, lovo,and marriage, gains the lovo of those you dosle,overcomes evil influences, gives names in full ofthose you have or will marry All informatloatruthfully nnd accurately given. Call and becom inced, as soolng is bolioving Houri, 0 to 9,except Sunday a , Jclb-GmoLADIES COMFORTABLE HOME BFFOREnnd during conflnchiout, best medical treatment, babies adopted, female complaintstreatodby oxpeuenced physician, confidentialMrs Dr RENNER.ldl Sd st n. a, Washington,D. C. j JolQ-lyWANTED.WANrED-"OUNOLAPYOr TALENT DEsires position elthor in art storo or art department of jowelry store Addres) COMI'LIIAT, this office oc5-dtAN OLD IINE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY,writing attractive policy, wants specialigont for M nshington. liberal contract forright man OM D.thisorico ItA WHITE BOY Or ABOUT 1(5 OR 18 YEARSto run orrands and assist In grocery store,must eomu recommended Jand stay nights. 15J732th st, corner CJst nw oc3-3twAM'ED A URSTCLVSS OYSTER COOKut onco S VM SOLOMON, 7ih nnd D sts swWILL GIVE $50 1 OR A POSI1ION IN SOMEgovernment department Address O O,this officeTANTFD-ROOM AND BOARD TOR MARt T rled couple, prlvato family proferrod, noar18th st and Boundry AddressV A II, this officeTYANILD IP YOU'VE SOLD ANITHING.t you can sell our "Combination" policies,C0ayeai for 10 years, earns f 1,000, oesides,you'vo booii insured its safo. wo provo It 32Ohio Bank Building, 9 to 10 20, 4 to 5 oc4-3tWAN TEH11 A young man who understands stenography and typewriting and is quick at figuresool-Jt Address OvFRMAN, this officeWAN I ED-B Y OUN G EN GI ISHM N, SlTuatiou as billiard markor, bookkeeper, orKonoral assistnut in first class hotel, salary verymoderate Vpply E , Hotol J-mrieh, 4S5 Pennsylvania a vo od-3tWAMID-A 10UNG MAN TO CANVASStUo retail groct ry trade, stae experienceand salary expected Address "QUICK," thisolllio oel-jtWANILD A lOUNG MN TO LFARN C-VR-11 itontonng. One who has worked at thotrade prt ft rreel Apply at GRAH M'a REPAIRSHOP. 1107 Q, at nwWVN1ED-VT NATIONAL EMPIOYMENTBureau, cook", housokdepers, waiters,porters, and all kinds of help, with ref. FORDfill VLR. rtol jst nw oc3 7tCOUPON POLICY, PIE.SES, PROTI-CT,pays spot cash has nccideut and cash surrender valuo features Got one Al agents see111! I Jl ardor BIdg 9th and F sta nwT ADIFS 1 ItroOMMI-ND CRUON PORXj trait makini, to jiersons w ishing profitable1 omo work; it is easily, quickly, and cheaplylearned tor terms, Aa, address ARTlM,b0bllthstuw se-S 7tVrANTID- l L BrER DRINKERS TO CaLL11 at Bush's new place, 817 7th st nw , andgot a nice cold bottle of beer for 5 cents.aul-lyrFOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS-jAA SHARES OF LANST0N S MONOTYPEstock for saleoc3-.ltor sale Address,L ST , this office-f.TOR SALE CHEAP. NATIONAL CSHX register; nearly new, regis. era from 1 centtooc-4-U Apply at IC01 Pa ave7AOR SLF-CALIGRAPH AND STAND, ALL. most new No reasonable offer refused.CallCJ3 F st n. wEDUCATIONALSpecial"VOCAL, VIOLIN, PIANOLossons7 F RLECKERT,1459 Fourteenth st n. wTerms liberal oc3-linoDA.NCING! DANCING! DANCLNGiProf Comings Academy of Dantlng, Costollo'sjlall, GlOGst nw Class for beginners,Mondays and Thursdays, for advanced pupils,1 riday Esclush cly for pupils oc8-7tTHE COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY,WASHINGTON, D CTho PreparatorySchool opens . ...... . Sopt 21Ihe Columbian College opens Sept 21Tho Medical School opens Oct 1'lue Dontal NJiool opens Oct 1lho Corcoran Scientific School opens. Oct -1The Law School opens - .. Oct 1Tho School of Graduate Studies opens. Oct 41-or catalogue dcscrlptivo of these sevoralschools addressROBERT H MARTIN,sep22 Imo Secretary.60NZA6A COLLEGE,Under the Lveclwn of the Fathers of theSociety of JemsClassical, Scientific, nnd Business courses ofstudies. Schools reopen Tuesday, September 4SPFULCOlRSE FOR OiDl-R STUDENTnW IM1ING TO MAKE RAPID PROGRESS IN THECLASSICS For particulars addressREV CORNELILs. GILLESPIE, & J ,selO-lmo President aud Treasurer"Y7"IMODlGHSIS, 132 I ST NW CLASSESI 1 organize Oct 1 Business course, languages, English, physical training. Shakespeare,elocution, music, Journalism, etc. Terms veryreasonable, especiaUy for women. ADA. L.SMITH, Supt eelG-lmMRS MANNS KINDERGARTEN ANDchool and tho Flizaboth Penbody Kindergarten Normal Training School, 191S Sunderlandplace, will begin fall and winter sessions October 1, 1S91 . oc2-2moA YOUNG MANS .OPPORTUNITY" PREpare for active business by improvingmind and body at the "YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, 1409 New "Yort nve nwEvening educational classes in ton practicalstudios begin Octoborl, 1S9I The Gymnasiumopen evory day and evening Como to tho building, see tho equipment, and get tho annual prospectus, seil-lmo1864 Education for Real Life. 1894For Sons and Daughters. IhoSpeaconanBusiness College, National Bank of tho Republicbuilding, cor 7th and D nw Day and night sessions fcPENCERIAN, in tho national capitalaud throughout tho country, is a household word,associated with thorough business training anda prosperous careerThe thirtieth scholastic .year of this popularInstitution begins Monday, fcoptember, 3, departments, viz. Practical Business, Including comploto bookkeeping course, English,rapid calculations, rnp'd writing, moral andsocial culture, Delsarte system of expression,civics, political economy, and commercial law;Prnctic-U b ugllsh, with initiatory bookkeeping;Shorthand and Typewriting, including Euclish,bponcoriin Rapid rlting, Mechanical andArchitectural Drawing. Full corps of thoroughlytrained tenchers. Location central. Offlcooponevery business day ind night on and af tor Monday, August G. Mrlto or call for ne annualannouncement MRS. S ARA A SPENCER,aul0-3m Principal and ProprietorTheDEPARTMENTofARCHUTECTURAL DRAWINGIn Spencennn Business College Is now open fortho reception of students Carpentnrs, builders,mechanics, and students in draughting who havebeen trained here hav o tchiev ed remarkablesuccess in their sovonl lines as a direct result oftho practical sUill aud Intelligence thus acquit ed Department open Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each weok from Octobers toJulyl further information given at collegoofllco 70b D st n wsol&-lm Airs. SARA A SPENCER, PrinclpaLBANJO, MANDOLIN, ANlD GUITAR STUDIOSpecial fall term.A V HOLMES,seS-lm 934 F st. Room 3HAHNEMANN HOMEOPATHICUNIVERSITY.Modlcal Department opening address will bedeliv ered Monday, October 8, 1891, 7 p m. Regular courso commences at 5JS0 p m. followingday For announcements addressDR TOsFPH C ELLIS, Dean.seSO-tf 1457 J4th st nw , Y ashington, D CEMLRSON" INSTITUTE A. SEcECT CLASSlcal and Mathematical School for YoungMou and Boys, 914 14th st , Franklin Squarelorty-thlrd annual session unclor tho , presentprincipal bourns hoptomber 21 This wellknown preparatory school for Harvard, Yale,Princeton, Ac , for tho United States Militaryand Naval Academics, and for the best technological schools onjoyb a reputation second to noschool in this country Tho roster of tho graduates contnins tho names of hundreds distinguished in oeiy profession. For circulars addreosCHAS B YOLNG,A M Ph D scG-tfrpHE BrRETLEY SCHOOL, 923 EIGHTEFNTIIJL street, will reopen September 21 Pupilsproparcd for West Point, Annapolis, for all uni-orsities nnd s iontiflc schools, for direct commissions In tho Army and Navy, and for the civilservice lwelvo students haio been successfully fitted for various examinations during therast year Arrangements mado for private lessons in all branches, CHARLES W. ilSHER, B.S , Head Master oc2-lmoBANJO THOROUGHLY TAUGHT BY NOTEor simplified method, only 7 per qunrter Iguarantee to touch tho most unmusical personto play a perfect tune each lesson by my simplomethod or no vkargo. Parlors open from 10a in. until 9 p.m. GEORGE DRAEUER,901Kstnr. fle23-lnaAMUSEMENTS.BASEBALL TO-DAY AT i,THE TEMPLE-CUP GAMES BETWEENBALTIMOREAndNEW "i ORKWill Bo Reproduced Electrically atALBALGHS GRAND OPEILV HOUSE.Oc3-tt rricts, 23 and 50m LIUUGIIS GRAND OPERA HOUSE.W Edw II Allen Manager.E Ev ouings at 8 V ed and Sat Mata at iI 1'rices 25, 50, 73c., "Jl and $1 50Boston Howard AthenaeumStar Specialty Company.Noxt Weok MARIE"DAL Gill I Ra OFE."W IN WRIGHT InSeats now on saleALBAUGH'S GIUND OPERA HOUSE.Fdw IL Allen ManagerSUNDAY THEJUBILEECHOIREVENINGOCT. 7. SINGERSSent now on sale at Box Office 'Reserv ed seats, J5 and 50 cents.K ERNAN'SLYCEUM theater!All this weekJOHN F, FIELDS' DRAWING GARDS,' includingFIELDS AND IlANcON,The originators of Musical ComedyNext A eek EBER & FIELDa'OUN COMPANY ocl-at"VTEW N ATION L- THEA1FR.i-i Evory evening, V ed aud Sat Matinees.Hoyt's Latest and Greatest Success,H MILK WHITE FLRGNext Week-Donnelly and G I ra rdACADEMY Prices J5i, 50c , 75c , ana SIb ery Evening, Yv ed. and Sat MatiueoiKELLARKELLARKELLARKl LLARKELLAItKEI LA ItKELLARKELLARMr. and Mrs.KELLARAMFRICVS OM-N MAGIOANSNext week The EnsiguBL1I FR'S NEW BIIOU THEATERPopular prices 1 26, 50, and 75cLadies anil Children s Matinee Tuesday, Thursday, anil SaturdayThis week the People's Irfem Favorite,DAN MCCARTHY and Ilia Great Company.Presenting THEPRIDfcOF MVYO RAMBLERFROM CLARE, and THE CRl ISKEEN LAWNNext week IHE STILL ALARM se8B-7tOLD DOMINION IoCKEYLUBRACESon the grounds of theGrange Camp Association ofNorthern Virginia.Five races will be run each day First raco at2.30 P. M.Trains will lcavo Sixth Street Depot at 12.53nnd 1.40 pm. Returning at 3 10 aad 3.10 p. m.Improper characters will not he admitted.Admission - 50 Cents.GENTLEMEN'S DRIVING PARK POOLSSOLD and BOOKING ON ALL RACINGEVENTS Trains leave B and P. depot at -43and IIJjO a. m.. 1.2JS0, 1 4C, and 8-20 p m. Fifteenminutes to Alexandria Driving Park station,near -Alexandria, Va. I27Transportatin refunded to all patrons. aulS-SniFINANCIAL.Money to Loan."This company has monoy to loan uponreal estate and collateral securities, suchas stocks, bonds, c,, at the prevailingrato of interestSums to suit, without delayIndividuals owning unimproved andunincumbered land ami desiring to bmtda home can be accommodated.Consultations invited.American Security andTrust Co., 1405 G St.THE WASHINGTON LOANANDTrust Company.CASH CAPITAL, - 51,000,000Money to loun In any amount on sbornotice on approved real estate and collateral,and nt moat reasonable ratesJOHN JOY EDSON, PresidentWorkingmenand others whose occupations prevent themfrom making deposits during regular banking hours will find It convenient to visit theUNION SAYINGS BANK,1222 F St. N.W.,which is open EVERY SATUEDVY NIGHTbetween tho hours of 6 and(Four per cent, interest on savingsaccount)SILSBY A GOMPHNYBANKFRS AND BROKERS,METROPOLITAN" BNK BUILDING,Fifteenth street, opposite TreasuryTELEPHONE 505MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD COLLATERAL.BRANCH OFFICE.CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK BLILDLNO,Gornor 7th St and Pa. AveTelephone. 514. mhl9-IyMONEY TO LOANTO LON $3,000 S3 000 AND Ss 000 OX GOODreal estate security at t per cent Interest.A. S. CAY OOD983 9th n. w oc3-2tMONEY LOANED ON STOCKS, BONDS,trusts, life Insurance policies, syndicatecertlflcate. eta No delav I you have the security. "YERKEsJL, BKrR, 17 sun Building-TT7"ASHINGTOX MORTGAGE LOAN COM-1 pany,will lend you ?J0 and upward on furniture, pianos,horsos, wagons, fccno publicity andproperty to remain in your undisturbed possession, loans paid in part or in full at any time tosuit the convenience of the borrower, and anypart paid reduces the cost of carrying tho loanin proportion to the amount paid. YVASHING1 ON MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, 610 F stn w Jel-3m"(0 LOAN $2,000 ON GOOD RE.AL ESTATEsecurity for 3 years at 6 por cent, interestA S CA'YYAOOD3S 9th n. w oca-2tMONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUR-nituro, pianos, horso3, carriages, wagons,&C' the property will remain undisturbedin your possession; terms easy; lowestrates, private offices, all business strictlyconfidential, you can have the monoy the dayyou apply for it, payments can bo made on thoprincipal at any time, each payment made wiUlessen the cost of carrying the loan.Please call onCAPITAL LO AN GUARANTEE CO .602 F st nw , main floor Jy3-3moMISCELLANEOUSHIGHEST PEICE-TAID FOR SECOND-HANDharness.S D HOUCK,sepl3-lmo J01 10th st nwL EG AX BLANKS LAW PRTNTLNaIHE LAW REPORTER COMPANYPrinters and Stationers.MS Fifth st n.w M. W MOORE. Managec.SUMMER RESORTSHOTEL PITNEY, ATLANTIC CITY. N JN Y ave.. bot Pacific and Beach; mod.ronv ; SI 50 to Si50 per day; $7 to 3U per week.HOTEL FLORIDA, PACIFIC, BET N Y. ANDTenn. aves.; mod. conv ; $1 25 to $2 per day;$7 to $'0 per week; Sat to Mon.,$2.75L CHARLESJ DENTLFR Jyt-tfHOTEL DIRECTORY.EBBITT HOUSE.Y ashington, D C11 C BURCII, Manager.THE OXFORD 14th st and N Y ave.American plan, "5-1.30 perday and upwards.European plan, $1 perdnytAndupwards.ault-lm-VYILLAHDS HOTEL,i Pennsylvania avenue and 11th st nwO. G. STAPLES, PROPRIETOR. ouIMctBuck's Dining Room,930 Pa. Ave. N. W.Dinner, 15c. 21 Meal TicKets, $3.00.Mem-IDms Fish, Kfca Soup. Lamb Pot Pie,Rfltutt BW. Corn Bf aad Cabbage. Vege.tabis Based Beans, Banana, Pritture, SlicedTomatoes, I'oiAtue. mahed. (Oyateu, allstyles. Charges extra. French Pudding, with.nWa Plate Coffee, Ten, and Milk. Snbiecsto change daily sel&lmoAUCTION SALES.BY DUNCANSON BmOS., AUCTIONXniS.TRUSTEES SALE OF FOt K VALUABLK BRICKDWELLESG8-0SB ON THE COKfBK FR STRKET AND JOHNaON AVKNI h,BETWKEXFQl KTKK!THANDFiyTKENTlISTKEETS NOKTHWESr, AND THKKE ONJOHNSON AVENLJJ.By virtue of a de d in trust to as, bearing latathe id day of March, 18G8, aad recorded In liber17W folio 71. of the land records of taeDfettri. t CColumbia, we will sell at public auction m fri sof the premises on WEDNESDAY, OCToHtiZlura.A D IiW, T,4'80 O'eLOCK P M tofollowing described rent ewate situate in ttiacity of ashiDgten, Disirk-t of Columbia, to wif:All of lots one nundred and one (Wl;, one hu -dred and two (10sf). one hundred ami four I (.;.and one hundred and live (106 , in Strtrin 1 i..Jones et al s sub-division of lots In square twohundred and seven (SUT), as per plat recorded aHber SO. folio S3, in the Surveyor's office of theDistrict of Columbia, with, the rlgnts of wayrespectively appurtenant to said lota.Terms of sale For Jots 1W, 18B, and MM VflOcash on each lot; of balance, iSJXO payauiaMarch, WS(j, on each lot. and remaintiec in on",two, three and four yean in equal inetaUmeats.For lot 106, ?1 10 cash, of balanee, S7J0O payable March. 13B3, and remainder ht one. tw j,three, and four years in equal htstalUneuta.Deferred paymenta to bear Interest at the rat?of S per eent per annum, payable semi-annually,and to be secured by deed of traat on the)property sold.The lots wil. be sold separatelyTerms of sale to be complied with within tendays from the day of sale, or ihe tewetees reserve the right to resell at the risk and cost oidefaulting purchaser after live days' advertisement A deposit of $t00 will be required on ea alot Conveyancing and recording at purchase - Acost JOHN KIDOCT mtocS-8t I110. 'OUTH. ( lrnBteg-p ATCLIFFE, DARK CO , ACCnONMERATRl STEE SALE OF IMPROVED RBALBBTAT3ON FOURTH SrREET BETWEEN F NIG STREETS NORTHWEST, AT ACCTIOXBy virtue of a decree of the supreme court ogthe District of Columbia, passed in equity causeNo. 15295, docket 3ft, wherein Mary Dome 2and others were coatplatnaata and Jeremiah;llorrigan and others were defendants, the undersigned, trustee in said cause, will sell at pur i iauction, in front of tho premises on FRIDAY,THE 12TH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D 18M P4 JO O tLlM K. F X , the following described lar Iand promisee situate in the city of WashingU a.District of Columbia, to wit. The north 11 l"-sfront, by the full depth thereof of lot 8 in squao380, together with all the improvements ther &.The terms of sale are one-third caeh on daysale, one-third- in one year, and one-third in rwyears thereafter, the deferred payments usecured by a good and sufficient mortgage on thaland and premised sold, or aU cash at the opti aof the porchaserA deposit of jaOO wiU be required at the time osale and the purchaser must comply with thoterms of sale within ten days from the da othereof, otherwise the property will be resold asthe risk and cost of the defaulting; purchaserConveyancing, etc, at purchaser's coat.F L. SIDDONS, Tmetee.oeS-llt 1333 F street northwestEAILSOADS.RAILROAD.STATION CORNER OF SIXTH ANJ)B ESeet June 24, 1894.UfcM A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED Pullman Compartment Sleeping; Dining, smokiu ,and Observation Cars Harriebors to Chicag ,Cbtcinnau. Indianapolig Cleveland, aad X-ledo. Buffet Parlor c ar to Harrieborg;McSOA-M FAsT LINE Pullman Buffet Fa' -Carto Harrisburjr, Parlor and Dtnins Car-nHarriebnRr to FitrsbnrK.8-15 P M. CHICAGO AND ST XOUJS -PRES3PnUman Buffet Parlor Car tHf-ruours. Sleeping and Dtaiac Cars, Barr tb rg to st Louis, Cincinnati, LonieviSe aulChicago710 PX YVEsTEKN EXFRESfr-PnUmaqSteeping Cars to Chicago, and Harris bur dto Cleveland Dining Car to Chicago.7-MO P X SOUTHWESTERN EXPRs -PullmanSleeping and Dining Can to :.Louis, and Sleeping Car Harrtobors tociaeianati. 10-40 P M PACIFIC EXPRESS PnUmaaSleeping Car to Pittsburg7J50 a. m. for Kane. Canandaigna. Rochester,and Niagara Falls daUv, except Sunday1023O a. m. for tlmira and Ronova daily, excp:Sunday For "W llliameport daily, 3JS p. m7 10 p m. for Williamsport, Rochester, Buffa ,and Niagara Falls daily, except Satnnia ,with Sleeping Car Waahinglon to Rochste-10-40 P M. for Erie, Canandaigna, Rochester, an IBuffalo daily, and Niagara. Fall daily, exceptSaturday, with sieepmic Car Waehiiu;tonElmlra, and Saturdays only A ashington toRochesterTor Philadelphia, Now York, and the East4.00 P. M. "CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED'All Parlor tars, with Dining tar from Ba. -mere,for New York daily for Philadelpk. eweekdays. 7d0, 753 ilrtmng Car), 900, J(During Car, and 11-00 innine Can a. mle-.lS, 3.15, 4J0, lOaX), and tlS p. m. On Hunday, TsSO, 7S5 'Dining Car). MM, 11:00 Um aCar) a.m., lilo. il5, 4S0. 10i. and 11-15 rnt tor Philadelphia only. Fast Expres"-3a. m. waek days. Exprees, SMI and 5.40 p m.dailyFor Boston, without change, 720 a. m. wee!tdays, and 3:15 p. ml dailyFor Baltimore 6-, 7j, 70, 735, 0, H0, 10 J,UM, and 11:30 a. m., Bfcl5, S01, 3.15, 4c0 h -Hed),4s,4 3h,5 4,lH4,7J0,10i, hWO 1. x ,and 113B p. m. On-nnday,7i80,7a6vflO j10-J0,llTa. m.,U:15,lJ5,0l, 5.15,40 anaIted), 10, 5.40, 6.14, 7:10, lOcnu, 10:40, and lx.JP- m.For Pope's Creek. Line, 7 a. m. and 434 p. m.dailv, except SundayFor Annapolis. 7:20, 000, aad 1130 a m. aal4sM p. m. daily, except Sunday Sundays, 9 Ja. m., and43p. m.Atlantic Coast Line Express for Jliehmond,Jacksonville and Tampa, iM a. m., 30 p m.daily Richmond and Atlanta, p. m. daily.Richmond only, J0.57 a. m. week days.Accommodation for tuanuco, 7-45 a. m. daily,and 4-S p in. week days.Fer Alexandria, 4J0, 85 7 45, SMO, fc, 13 ",11 j0 a. nu.lidO, 1 40, 3, 445, 50 5J7 n Hh-O. 1006, and 11JJ9 p. m. On Sunday at i-j,7 4o, 9- a. m., 2:45, b 15, "-02, and MW p m.Leave Alexandna for V ashington k05, 6.43 i j,SO0, 9-10, 101 , 10-SS a. m l-flu, 2-15, 3-00, 1.23,5-00, 530, 6 1A, 7 00 7j, 15, 10-58. and 11 1 .m. Oi Sunday at b-43. 9-10, lOsS a. m , iu,5J0, 7-flO, 7:20, S"15, and ltoSA p. m.Ticket omces northeast corner of Thireenoistreet and Pennsylvania avenue, and at the station. Sixth and B streets where orders can ueleft for the cheeking of baggage to destinn'iuafrom hotels and residences. J It WOODGeneral Passenger AgentS. M. PREVOST, General ManagecBALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.Schedule in effect June 9, ISMLeave Washington from station, corner of NavrJersey avenue and C street.For Chicago and Northwest, VeetUMOedLimited express trains at 11J5 a. m., "-00 p m.For Cincinnati, St Louis, and lndiaaap l3,Vestibuled Limited 3)0 p m., express Li-iOuiur.For Pittaburjr and Cleveland, express dau?11 15 a. m. and 35 p. m.For Lexington and Staunton, 11 15 a. m.For Winchester and way stations, 5 Jn p nxFor Luray, Natural Brittge. Roanoke. Kaasuville, Chattanooga, Memphis, and Xew Orleai-ii12 05 night, daily sleeping cars through.For Luray, 30 p ra. dailyFor Baltimore, week days, x4S0, 5-00, 6 "5.X710, 7-80. (Srf45-mmutes), b-30. x9-Jl 0ii n45-minutes) a. in., xi2-ut, X12.05, 12-15. xir3X Com45 minutes), 325. xtsB. 4JM, xfcOB, xSttt) xiti5A, x-d0, IMO, xs.00, "-J5, x9-0, xll i, aaHJ5p m. Sundays, x4-20 x7JI. (StlO 45 nuautes), S3i. xao n. m., xltOS, xll5. 10, xiJ.(3 00 45 minutes), 3w. -LSI, xJB, x5tub,j0vIs; 00, 10.00, xJll-JO. llSp. m.For Annapolis, 7 10 and 9:15 a. m..l2U5 xa4-2Sp.m. Sundays, JO a. at, UIp m.For Frederick, all.15 a. m .cl.15. o90. aJip. m.For nagerstown, alL.15 a. nx., ami 33:30 p. meFor Boyd and. way poi-Ua.kB-J pl m-For Gaithersbnrg: antf way feiota:. aJtfltt. al'ja. ne, aliW, aiU). aA.3S. a3c35v Vim. Mt3B pi at.For Washington Juncticn aBut-say iHiBi.!Hinita-50 a. nu. cL15 p. nt Expetwe trsc tt pgLazatprincipal stations, only. O.UK). aoc3l Jc ss.For Bay RWge. week, days, 5-1 a.tne.42&pcm. Sunday. 9-J5 a. nx., 1-30 ana :15p as.ROYAL BLUE LINE FOR NEW Y.ORE. ANOPHIL.ADELPHLA.For Philadelphia. N-ork. Boatoc zialthoEast, daily, 4:20 SvCO, (10:00 a ra. ex Suae n.-awjrCar), 1A0O Dining Car), 3t0 (05 DfansEe.Ar).S-C0, (H-80 p. m. Sleeping; Car open -ts HXJtSo'clock).Bnffat parlor cars on all day trains.For Atlantic City, Csp May. Sea. fate- Cirr. a-riBrigantine Beach, week. d-iys, 4-20 aaS i. w,12 aeon Sundays. 4i2 a. rx. antttt -ma-n.aExcept Sunday. bDattr. cSmafcy ttdp. xErpress ttrxlsa.Baggage called foras& ciieejoMX f-mn hotoisanJL residences, by UeAtq. Tfe-saslnr CoBmstx.'-iza.crdeisltltat ticket ofllcsa, '52S snilTSSl t-L.avnCini nt depot.5. 5. CAMP.TIET.L, C5IAS O fiCULL,Pennsylvania 2ff7e9595c

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